Beating Depression: The Complete Guide to Depression and How to Overcome It (Class Health) What is depression? Every human being has changed in their mood. Experiencing good, not so good, and low mood is normal. The variety of our feelings is essential to our being lively and responsive to our surroundings. We would otherwise be totally predictable and robotic. Contrasting moods and feelings add depth to our lives. There will be times when elated, or extra good mood, is appropriate – something really good has happened and we are very happy. It will also be entirely appropriate to feel low, tearful and negative in other circumstances, for example being made 2 Beating Depression redundant. The difference, however, between that experience and being depressed, can be subtle but all-important. It is the difference between normal experience and illness. Many people would feel bad at losing a job but not everyone would go on to be ill. Illness begins and normal experi...